Museum Phone: (210) 977- 9885

Texas Air Museum at Stinson Field - San Antonio, TX

A view of the Texas Air Museum exhibits (the FW190 is no longer on display)

Welcome to the Texas Air Museum at historic Stinson Field. Below you will see a photo of the old terminal that is still used today as a control tower. Stinson Field is the second oldest airport in the US!

The old Stinson Terminal

Since 1999, the Texas Air Museum at Stinson Field has been dedicated to telling the story of Texas and San Antonio's vital role in the development of military air power. It also pays tribute to aviation pioneers, technical achievements in the realm of aviation, and above all, pays respect and honor to those who gave their lives to defend freedom.

Most attention in the area of vintage aircraft centers around World War II, and the Pacific and European theaters of that conflict. The Texas Air Museum not only represents that era, but is unique in also covering in detail the early period and "golden-age" of aviation. Here you can also learn about the famous "Flying Stinson Family", and why San Antonio is considered to be the birthplace of American military aviation.


The museum is staffed entirely by dedicated volunteers.
If you would like to be a volunteer, please come by and speak with us.

John Tosh - Mr. Tosh is the museum founder and director. He is shown here next to the uniform he wore when he joined the military during WW2 at the age of 14. A veteran of WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and Desert Storm; Mr. Tosh is a history afficionado and expert tour guide.

TAMI was the museum's official greeter and security chief for over seven years, and never missed a day. However, she passed away on February 12, 2007. She is greatly missed!

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